If there has not already been an app designed for a particular subject matter you are interested in it is most likely in the works. Created to make life easier, apps (short for applications) enhance the use of technology through convenience.
Apps are becoming very popular because they are easily accessible and can be downloaded for immediate availability. There are different kinds of apps for different kinds of needs. Do you need directions? There’s an app for that. Do you desire a fun new way to communicate with others? There’s an app for that. Do you want to know the best way to currently invest your money? There is an app for that.
Through the acceptance and use of apps, users receive the tools necessary to assist them in any number of ways and most apps are free. In a very similar way God created His Word and provides it to us free of charge to assist us with every subject imaginable.
2 Timothy 3:16 –17 teaches that Scripture is applicable for all things and is provided to us so that we will be thoroughly equipped in every situation and circumstance in life. Do you need to know how to persevere in adversity? There are apps of truth for that. Do you desire to live in peace with your enemies? There are apps of truth for that. Do you desire to be successful in life? There are apps of truth for that.
Even though God’s Word is readily available, we miss what God has for us unless we consistently study it. We must take time to download it to our minds and the minds of our children, thereby discovering God’s “apps of truth.” As a child experiences God’s truth for himself, he will recognize the worth and joy in learning to live effectively for Him.